Monday, August 17, 2009

The Great I AM

In the New Testament, Jesus declared a most profound statement. He told his disciples. He told the Pharisees. He told the crowd. He told the strangers.
He said – I AM

  • The living bread – Jn 6:51

  • From above - Jn 6:51

  • The light of the world – Jn 8:12

  • I Am – Jn 8:58

  • The door - Jn 10:9

  • The Son of God – Jn 10:36

  • The resurrection and the life – Jn 11:25

  • The way, the truth and the life – Jn 15:1

  • The King of the Jews – Jn 19:2

  • Jesus whom you are persecuting – Acts 9:5

Using the I AM to describe Himself was unheard of. To the Jews of that day this was blasphemous. Since the beginning, the Torah has taught the sacred and holy Name of God is I AM.

Moses was in the presence of God and asked Him a very personal question. Reading in Genesis 3:13 – 14:
“When I come to the children of Israel and say to them “the God of your fathers has sent me to you”, and they say to me “what is His Name, what shall I say to them”?
Hashem answered Moses, “ I Shall be as I Shall Be”. And He said, “so shall you say to the children of Israel, I Shall Be has sent me to you”.
Hashem literally means “The Name”. The Name above all names. When God answered Moses question he called Himself “I Shall Be as I Shall Be”. This Name is His Divine Nature and His Divine Description of Himself.
Jill Briscoe, a local pastor recently commented on a literal translation of the “I Shall Be as I Shall Be” to mean this …
I Am all that you need me to be
When you need me to be
All that I Am”.
I like that. The Name above all names. The great I Am. Jesus is the I Am all that you need me to be when you need me to be all that I Am!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Light'n Up!

Isn’t it funny how the world tries to distort things? Has anyone ever told you to “lighten up”? Consider it a complement or a conviction.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters. Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light.
Genesis 1:1-3

There was a void and there was darkness. The world continues to seek darkness and to live in darkness and to hide in darkness. God created light on that first “day” and forever separated the light from the darkness.

In the temple court, Jesus saved a woman from being stoned to death for her adulterous act. Then Jesus declares;

“I am the light of the world.
He who follows me shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of life.”
John 8:12

God created the light and God is The Light. Where there is light, darkness cannot exist.

If Jesus is The Light of your life, then there cannot be darkness in your life. When you see or feel darkness, go to The Light. Lift up your voice and give thanks in prayer that Jesus is The Light of the world and His Spirit lives in you.


Praise You Father for giving us Light and taking us out of darkness by the blood of your Son.
Thank You Jesus for coming into my life to be my Savior and Redeemer.
Thank You Lord for showing me your Light as I walk this day.
Fill my path with your Light and my way with your Word.
Guide me and guard me this day as I follow You.
Encourage me throughout the day, by your Spirit, to lighten up a dark world with your Love and Grace.
