Sunday, January 23, 2011

What is Loyalty?

How many of you have a “loyalty” card with some retail company?  Many people even have several loyalty cards in their wallet.  That seems like an oxymoron to me. Why have a Penney’s, Sears, Dillard’s and Kohl’s loyalty card? Don’t they offer the same items?

Consider what the definition of loyal is – someone who …
 gives allegiance, is committed and consistent, dedicated and devoted, faithful and steadfast.

God called David a man after His own heart. He looked into the heart of David and saw that David loved the things God loved and hated the things God hated. David was loyal to God. Oh, sure he failed. We all fall short. But God looked into the heart of David and was pleased.

God looked at the relationship of the heart, not the transactions of success or failure of events in David’s life.
Soon Valentine’s Day will be upon us. It, like so many other holidays, has become watered down with things of love versus love itself.

Here are a few compare / contrasts to ponder in your heart …
    Transactions    vs         Relationships
    Conditional      vs         Unconditional
    Unsupportive   vs         Loyal
    Short-sighted   vs         Enduring
    Judgment         vs         Forgiveness
    Divisive            vs         Supportive
    Get                  vs         Give
    Divorce           vs          Marriage
    Mind               vs          Heart

Our work with continues to focus on the care-givers heart. We pray that our heart is seen to be enduring and devoted to serving you and your ministry of reaching out to a hurting world. We also pray that we aren’t seen as just a transaction driven event or purchase but rather the building up of a relationship and partnership of the work of the heart of God through you and us.

As we enter into our 11th year of ministry and work with The HoldingCross, we celebrate the so many loyal customers who have been with us for many, many years. We give thanks for the ministry these people have done and continue to do, in the name of Jesus. 

Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Little Latin

There was a movie a number of years ago with the actor Robin Williams playing the part of an English professor. The movie was called The Dead Poet Society.  One of the tenants he tried to teach to his students was “carpe diem”  - seize the day.  

So often we are told by the world to live life to the fullest, to take advantage of the moment, to  take charge.
There is another Latin term that isn’t as familiar today as it once was.  From around the fourth century up until the nineteenth century, many people would write letters and notes. At the end of their written document they would write Deo Volente or the shortened abbreviation just D.V., which means “God willing”.

I think I’m going to start using that as another reminder of His sovereignty in my daily life.

Deo Volente