Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I Want ...

For the past eight years, we have been going into a Mall during the Christmas Season with our HoldingCross kiosk display.  The Lord put it on our heart that The Cross is central to the story of Christmas and so many people forget that as they scurry to purchase gifts for one another. 

In the mall this year again, we hear many conversations as people walk by. 

I want …

She needs …

We need to get …

One person walked up to our display on Friday, stared at the Psalm 23 WordCube and broke down and started crying. Noticing he was visibly upset, I walked over to him and was silent waiting for him to speak.  He said, “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.  I know that in my heart but it is so hard right now to believe that. You see, I’m homeless and have been out of a job for a long time”. 

After hearing his story, I went over and picked up a black walnut HoldingCross and handed it to him. I said it would be cold tonight. The forecast was for sub-30 degree weather. I encouraged him to hold the cross as a reminder of The Shepherd and His presence in his heart to keep him warm.

The next morning, I came to open the booth. The stranger with the story from the day before was there waiting for me. He had a big smile on his face and seemed anxious.

Before I could say anything, he said, “Good morning Jack! I have something to share with you. Last night, I left the mall just holding that cross. I was planning to walk to the shelter for the evening. On the way, there was a “now hiring” sign at a local grocery store. I filled out an application for work and talked with the manager. They hired me!  Praise God!  I start work in three days!  When I got back to the shelter for the evening, I could hardly contain myself.  I opened that little scroll paperwork that came with the cross and read every word. You were right. Even though it was cold outside, my heart was soooo warm.”

The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want.

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